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Mining for EPA Cumulative Exposure Data

From:               "Michael R. Meuser" 
To:                 [email protected]
Date sent:          Tue, 2 Feb 1999 04:49:31 -0800
Subject:            more on CEP data

Hello - I've been doing a little more digging into the EPA's
Cumulative Exposure Project (CEP) referred to in my email
yesterday and in Rachel #631, "Carcinogens Everywhere."
A few weeks ago another subscriber posted this to the
ecojustice list:

"...yet the "Maps & Data" link on the EPA Cumulative Exposure 
web page keeps saying "please check back later." What is this?"

I have been feeling the same sense of frustration. I first
began checking the website and emailing EPA beginning October, 
1998 and at least once each month since in an attempt to gain 
access to the raw data. Each time I had been put off, being 
told that the data will be available the following month. Now
it looks as though it will not be publicly available on the
website BUT available by request from EPA. 

This evening I searched the NY Times website, for "cumulative exposure project" and
obtained a "hit" for a January 17, 1999 Boston Globe article.
You can read the article located at:

Note that this is on the website of the STAPPA and ALAPCO
website not the Boston Globe.  I was curious who STAPPA and
ALAPCO was and searched through the website and came upon this 

It has all sorts of information and links about CEP including
preview websites, data access, model press releases and the like.

In the alerts section:

I discovered information on why EPA will not be making the raw
data available for download on the website. It also said that
Carol Browner says it will be made available to the public upon 

When I was all done looking around I discovered a link to
"public website." I thought that it was strange to have a link
to a public website from a public website.  I went to:

and realized that before I was at the "in-house" though very
public website of the "State and Territorial Air Pollution
Program Administrators" and "Association of Local Air
Pollution Control Officials" website.  The other public
site doesn't seem to make any mention of CEP! I finally figured
out who STAPPA and ALAPCO are!

Main website for EPA's Cumulative Exposure Project:

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Michael R. Meuser
GIS and WWW Mapping Application Development
Mapping for Community Right-To-Know
"making data make sense"
[email protected]

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