Hello -
Here are a few more links related to EPA's decision to keep OCA data off the internet. Note that EPA will still be releasing the RMP (risk management plan) data to the internet which includes the facilities names, addresses, chemicals they handle - everything but the OCA. In this light the "threat of terrorism" seems a bit weak. The dates indicate when these appeared in my RTK Newsflash,
https://mapcruzin.com/scruztri/docs/newsflsh.htm(January 20, 1999)
Below is a useful reference on the chemical industry's efforts to impede the public's ability to communicate freely about chemical accident hazards in communities. For more information, see http://www.rtk.net/wcs/(January 20, 1999)
EPA's Chemical Accident Prevention and Risk Management Planning (RMP) webpage
http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/acc-pre.html(January 20, 1999)
Federal Register pdf file - RMP final rule
https://mapcruzin.com/download/99-231-filed.pdf(September 19, 1998)
The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition -- September 3, 1998
https://mapcruzin.com/scruztri/docs/news10919.htm(September 18, 1998)
Risk Reduction Imperiled by Proposed Disaster Secrecy
https://mapcruzin.com/scruztri/docs/news10918.htm(September 17, 1998)
Document from Arthur F. Burk, Senior Safety Fellow, DuPont Company on terrorism and chemical reporting
http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/pubs/4-art-b.html(September 17, 1998)
Document from Pam Nixon, Accident Prevention Subcommittee member on terrorism and chemical reporting
http://www.epa.gov/swercepp/pubs/5pam-nix.html(September 15, 1998)
EPA Data on Internet Will Increase Threat Of terrorism, Industry- Sponsored Study Says
https://mapcruzin.com/scruztri/docs/enviro0915.htmInterestingly, NOAA makes RMP-Comp the program that facilites use to calculate the OCA on the internet. Since the RMP data without OCA will be made available on the net it only seems a matter of time before an effort is made by various groups to use this program, calculate the OCA's and place them on the internet. The program can be found at http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/chemaids/rmp/rmp.html
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