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Dangers of Eating Fish Harvested
from Contaminated Waters

Date sent:          03 Feb 1999 16:17:17
Send reply to:      Conference "" 
From:               [email protected]
Subject:            News: Fish Consumption Advisory Outreach
To:                 Recipients of rivernet-info 

Outreach Brochures for Fish Consumption Advisories

EPA and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry are
sponsoring a nationwide effort to inform health professionals and their
patients about the dangers of eating fish harvested from contaminated
waters.  Through a letter to 100,000 Pediatricians, OB-GYNs, and Family
Physicians across the nation, doctors are asked to advise their patients
to pay attention to state or tribal-issued fish consumption advisories. 
Doctors will also receive brochures, written in English, Spanish, and
Hmong, that describe how to safely consume fish and minimize exposure to
contaminated fish. Copies of these brochures are also being sent to state
and tribal environmental and public health professionals, along with a
paper summarizing the latest research on the dangers of eating fish
contaminated with PCBs. These chemicals are responsible for many of the
fish consumption advisories in the United States. Copies of the brochures
and information on fish and wildlife advisories are available at EPA's
Office of Science and Technology website at .

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