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ANWR Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; What is at stake; removed USFWS website; photos, maps, descriptions

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Why we archived the ANWR website at

[This information was originally produced by Beverly Skinner, wildlife biologist at Innoko National Wildlife Refuge (in west central Alaska), for radio broadcast on Public Radio stations throughout Alaska.]

Breeding Bird Surveys
and Partners in Flight

This month, all across Alaska, neo-tropical breeding birds are being identified and counted by biologists and volunteers along established bird routes. The Innoko Refuge staff now has seven separate routes to complete during the prime breeding and singing period of June 10 through the 30th. The refuge is currently involved with both the national breeding bird survey program as well as the newer Alaska Partners in Flight off road breeding bird point count survey program. Although the two programs have slightly different methods of counting birds, the end result is the same - a yearly tally of all birds seen or heard along a permanent route which allows for a comparison over time of the numbers of each bird species. This is know as trend data.

Neo-tropical birds return to Alaska to nest each summer in the brightest plumage and full of song. Their brightly colored feathers and singing allow the male birds to non-violently compete against other male birds for a territory. In mid through late June, by moving through an area constantly singing, the males are able to stake out a territory for themselves and their mate which will provide the needed space and food to raise a nest full of young. It is during this time of constant singing that bird survey routes are conducted. Routes are started at dawn, which for interior Alaska is 3:33 am, and continue throughout the peak singing time each day.

To run a successful bird route, the observer needs to be able to identify by sight, song and call all bird species likely to be encountered. For me, this means several weeks prior to the birding season each spring listening to bird tapes and spending many early mornings out practicing. It is always a relief each spring when I hear all the old songs of familiar birds but also very exciting when I hear something new.

The two national breeding bird routes on the Innoko refuge are both river routes and are run by boat. A third route run by four wheeler lies along the Sterling landing to Takotna road down river from McGrath in cooperation with the Air Force and the Tatalina Radar site. Our newest route here in McGrath was run for the second time this year. This particular route is under the direction of McGrath resident Kevin Whitworth who is an excellent birder and also the refuge Resource Apprenticeship Program for Students (RAPS) student for a third year in a row. The refuge also has three walking routes placed in different types of habitat: a bog, a black spruce upland, and a white spruce lowland.

For Alaska Naturally and the Innoko National Wildlife Refuge, this is Beverly Skinner. This year the refuge staff has expanded the June bird work. We've added an additional 50 transects which cross through the Innoko River riparian (river corridor) areas. As the transects are walked, exact bird locations are recorded with a global positioning system (GPS). These locations will eventually become another data layer within our geographical information system (GIS) computer system. As our records for each bird species increase over the next few years, we hope to be able to produce reliable habitat maps for all the different birds who call the Innoko refuge home for the summer.

Refuges: where wildlife comes first

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Text and graphics by USFWS staff
Last modified 28 July 2000

Why we archived the ANWR website at

Note: This is the archive of the FWS Arctic National Wildlife Refuge website. In December, 2001 FWS took this website offline, making it unavailable to the public. It includes 90 plus pages of information and many maps. As of 2006 the important information contained in this, the original "unsanitized" version of the FWS website, has yet to return to the internet, so we will continue to maintain it here as a permanent archive to help inform activists and concerned citizens. If you find any broken links, please report them to me at [email protected] and I will attempt to make the repairs. January, 2008 update - A small part of the original information that was present in 2001 has made it back into the current ANWR website. There is also an archive that contains a small amount of the original information, but it is not readily available from the main website.

Click here to visit our homepage. Click here for NRDC's message about ANWR from Robert Redford.

For more information on why this website was "pulled," Check here. And, you can also view the maps of caribou calving areas that the FWS did not want you to see here.

January 29, 2008: Visit Our New ANWR News for Updates

This page should be cited as follows:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Potential impacts of proposed oil and gas
       development on the Arctic Refuge�s coastal plain: Historical overview and
       issues of concern. Web page of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
       Fairbanks, Alaska. 17 January 2001.

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