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Download Free GPS Maps and Software Programs for Tracking and Navigation

Free GPS receiver unit software and maps for tracking, auto, bluetooth, phone, and portable handheld GPS devices. We'll be adding free GPS maps of all parts of the world for Garmin Nuvi and other GPS models, Magellan GPS, TomTom GPS, GPX and Navit. Return soon for more maps and software.

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Cetus GPS is the Swiss Army Knife of GPS tracking and field data collection. It is intended for use by GIS surveyors, scientists, explorers and GPS enthusiasts who need to extend the features of their standard GPS equipment.

High Quality Discounted GPS - Fast Delivery - Guaranteed

DNRGarmin GPS Application - This extension was built to provide users the ability to directly transfer data between Garmin GPS handheld receivers and various GIS software packages. Using this program a user can use point features, graphics or shapefile, and upload them to the GPS as Waypoints.

EasyGPS is the fast and easy way to transfer waypoints, routes, and tracks between your computer and your Garmin, Magellan, or Lowrance GPS. EasyGPS lists all of your waypoints on the left side of the screen, and shows a plot of your GPS data on the right. EasyGPS works with every popular handheld GPS receiver, and it is 100% FREE!

ExpertGPS is GPS map software for Windows 7, XP and Vista. View GPS waypoints and tracklogs from any handheld GPS receiver over aerial photos and US topographic maps. Plan your next outdoor adventure over scanned USGS topo maps and send a route directly to your GPS receiver to guide you in the field. View your GPS tracklog over an aerial photo to see exactly where you went.

GeoBuddy is the secret tool used by many successful geocachers who race to be the First to Find! With seamless USGS topographical maps and aerial photo coverage of the entire United States, GeoBuddy makes it easy to plan out a day of geocaching, locate parking, and get a bird's eye view of the terrain before you go.

GEO/GARNIX Free coordinate conversion program and tool for communicating between PC and Garmin GPS navigation devices.

Garmap Win runs on Windows 95/98 or Windows NT 4.0. and it is free. Garmap Win communicates with Garmin GPS receivers to deal with Track logs, Waypoints and Routes. It has the following features. (1) Download Track Logs, Waypoints and Routes from a Garmin GPS receiver. (2) Create and Upload Waypoints and Routes to a Garmin GPS receiver. (3) Show current position on a map (BMP format).

Garmap CE runs on H/PCs or P/PCs running Windows CE 2.0 (or maybe later) and it is free. Garmap CE communicates with Garmin GPS receiver to manage Track logs, Waypoints and Routes, and shows your current position on a map. Garmap CE also offers a function like Garmin's GPS "GoTo"... it shows your current speed, track, bearing and ETE.

GeoConv is a coordinate conversion program, which converts between different coordinate file formats, coordinate types and datums.

Global Positioning System Overview.

GPS3D - utilities to manipulate a handled GPS and vizualize the result in 3D.

GPSBabel converts waypoints, tracks, and routes from one format to another, whether that format is a common mapping format like Delorme, Streets and Trips, or even a serial or USB upload or download to a GPS receiver such as those from Garmin and Magellan. By flattening the Tower of Babel that the authors of various programs for manipulating GPS data have imposed upon us, it returns to us the ability to freely move our own waypoint data between the programs and hardware we choose to use.

GPSBabelWrapper allows the rest of us to use rich functionality of GPSBabel via familiar Windows interface. It only builds a command line and calls GPSBabel. Hopefully it does it well enough so that you will be spared of typing on the DOS prompt.

GPSDiag is a program that reads NMEA setences from a GPS receiver connected to the serial port and displays the information in both a raw and processed format. Information such as speed, altitude, satellite positions and signal strength is shown. It it an ideal way to test GPS receivers.

GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your NMEA capable GPS receiver on a zoomable map, the map file is autoselected depending of the position and prefered scale. Speech output is supported if the "festival" software is running. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from Internet. All Garmin GPS reveiver with a serial output should be usable, also other GPS receiver which supports NMEA protocol.

GPS Visualizer is an online gateway to GPS Babel. GPS Babel is a freeware program that converts GPS data from one format to another.

High Quality Discounted GPS - Fast Delivery - Guaranteed

GPSWaypoint is an easy way to store all of your favorite waypoints and routes and access them later from anywhere in the world... Upload routes and waypoints data files in variety of formats supported by the popular GPS receivers and mapping software directly to your account on the GPSWaypoint site without any hassle... All this available after free registration...

GSAK is the all in one Geocaching and waypoint management tool. Major features include: Multiple databases, sending/receiving waypoints to GPSr, conversion to many mapping formats, HTML output, extensive searching, macro support, backup and restore, distance/direction from other waypoints (including caches, locations, post codes) and much more.

Le Petit Poucet (aka Tom Thumb) is free software to display and edit GPS routes and tracks in a 3D scene. Le Petit Poucet is targeted at explorers, discoverers and trekkers of this world: road and mountain bikers, skiers and snowboarders, mountaineers, gliders, scuba divers, geo-cachers. Le Petit Poucet will provide all the necessary tools to prepare outings and analyze logs, to exchange or present tracks and routes:

- 3D rendering of the track, maps and terrain.
- Topo-guides
- Track, route and waypoint library
- Community exchange
- Geo-referenced photo albums

Making maps from OpenStreetMap for Garmin devices. The mkgmap program takes OpenStreetMap data and generates a map in the Garmin .img file format so that it can be loaded onto compatible GPS units. If you are not already familliar with Open Street Map (OSM) then you why not head over to the OSM website and maybe get involved. The idea is create an editable map of the whole world. OSM map data is the only format that is well supported by mkgmap.

st2gpx is a program for Windows that reads/writes .est, .axe, .ptm files from Microsoft Streets and Trips, AutoRoute and MapPoint, and converts them to/from GPX data files for use by other programs.

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Michael R. Meuser
Data Research & GIS Specialist is an independent firm specializing in GIS project development and data research. We created the first U.S. based interactive toxic chemical facility maps on the internet in 1996 and we have been online ever since. Learn more about us and our services.

Have a project in mind? If you have data, GIS project or custom shapefile needs contact Mike.

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