- Protecting Public Health and Hazard Reduction - (Chemical plants, terrorism, and right-to-know).
- ATSDR Report: Industrial Chemicals and Terrorism: Human Health Threat Analysis, Mitigation and Prevention. Note that this reports was "pulled" from the ATSDR website after 9/11 though it contains no information that would place any specific site at risk.
EPA Will Not Distribute "Worst Case Scenario" Chemical Accident Data Over the Internet. This is a backgound page that I put together during 1999 as discussions raged over putting "worst case scenarios" on the internet.
- More
Background and resources at
- Post 9/11 Age of Missing Information. Our growing list of data and reports that are "missing in action" since 9/11.
- background article about the Chemical Safety Board's withdrawn 600K report. There are links from there to many other related reports and information and to the copy of the report itself.
- RMP Report - Accident Epidemiology and the U.S. Chemical Industry: Preliminary Results from RMP*Info. The study using Risk Management Plan (RMP) data says, "In two cases, it was discovered that a facility had changed its [RMP] report ... In one case, 9 public deaths had been reported and in the other case 5 deaths ... in both cases, these reports were resubmitted and changed to 0 deaths." Download (PDF format).
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Michael R. Meuser
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