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Bird List

180 bird species have been recorded on the Arctic Refuge. This list describes their status and abundance.


North Slope - The coast and the coastal plain.
----- Coast - The area within six miles of the Beaufort Sea, including nearshore waters.
----- Coastal Plain - The area between the coast and the Brooks Range.
Brooks Range - The mountains, valleys, and foothills north and south of the continental divide.
South Slope - The area south of the Brooks Range.


Resident - Present throughout the year.
Migrant - Travels through on the way to wintering or breeding areas.
Breeder - Occurs as a breeding species (prefixed by "possible" or "probable" if concrete evidence is unavailable).
Visitor - Occurs as a non-breeding species.


Abundant - Occurs in suitable habitats, with some areas heavily used.
Common - Occurs in nearly all suitable habitats, with some areas sparsely used.
Uncommon - Occurs regularly, but uses little of the suitable habitat.
Rare - Occurs regularly, but in very small numbers.
Casual - Beyond its normal range, but irregularly observed.
Accidental - Far from its normal range. Further observations unlikely.


___ Red-throated Loon - Uncommon breeder and common migrant along coast. Rare visitor in Brooks Range and on coastal plain.
___ Pacific Loon - Common breeder on north and south slopes. Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range. Common migrant along coast.
___ Common Loon - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Rare migrant or visitor along coast.
___ Yellow-billed Loon - Possible breeder on north slope. Uncommon migrant along coast. Rare migrant on coastal plain.


___ Horned Grebe - Common breeder on south slope. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Red-necked Grebe - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Casual visitor on north slope.


___ Short-tailed Shearwater - Casual summer and fall visitor along coast, mostly offshore.


___ Tundra Swan - Common breeder along coast.
___ Trumpeter Swan - Rare breeder along coast.
___ Greater White-fronted Goose - Uncommon spring migrant. Possible breeder and common fall migrant on north slope.
___ Snow Goose - Uncommon spring migrant throughout Refuge. Rare breeder and abundant fall migrant on north slope.
___ Ross' Goose - Casual spring visitor on north slope.
___ Brant - Uncommon breeder and abundant migrant along coast.
___ Canada Goose - Uncommon breeder on north and south slopes. Uncommon migrant on north slope.
___ Green-winged Teal - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Rare breeder and migrant along coast.
___ Mallard - Uncommon breeder but common visitor on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare breeder and uncommon visitor on north slope.
___ Northern Pintail - Common breeder on south slope. Uncommon breeder but common visitor and migrant on north slope.
___ Northern Shoveler - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Rare visitor and migrant on north slope.
___ Eurasian Wigeon - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ American Wigeon - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon migrant and visitor on north slope.
___ Canvasback - Rare visitor on south slope. Casual migrant on north slope.
___ Greater Scaup - Uncommon migrant along coast. Uncommon visitor on north slope and in Brooks Range.
___ Lesser Scaup - Abundant breeder on south slope. Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare breeder and visitor on coastal plain.
___ Common Eider - Uncommon breeder and visitor along coast. Common migrant along coast, especially offshore.
___ King Eider - Uncommon breeder along coast. Uncommon migrant along coast, especially offshore.
___ Spectacled Eider - Rare to uncommon breeder along coast.
___ Steller's Eider - Casual visitor along coast.
___ Harlequin Duck - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare breeder on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor on north slope.
___ Oldsquaw - Common breeder on north slope. Uncommon migrant on south slope. Abundant visitor and migrant along coast.
___ Black Scoter - Uncommon migrant along coast.
___ Surf Scoter - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Uncommon visitor and migrant along coast.
___ White-winged Scoter - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Possible breeder on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor and migrant along coast.
___ Common Goldeneye - Probable breeder on south slope. Rare visitor along coast.
___ Barrow's Goldeneye - Probable breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.
___ Bufflehead - Common breeder on south slope.
___ Common Merganser - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Red-breasted Merganser - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Rare breeder and uncommon migrant along coast.


___ Bald Eagle - Rare breeder and uncommon visitor on south slope. Rare visitor in Brooks Range and on coastal plain.
___ Northern Harrier - Common probable breeder in Brooks Range. Rare visitor on north slope.
___ Sharp-shinned Hawk - Uncommon visitor on south slope.
___ Northern Goshawk - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Rare visitor in Brooks Range and on coastal plain.
___ Swainson's Hawk - Rare breeder and visitor on south slope.
___ Rough-legged Hawk - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare breeder on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor on north slope.
___ Golden Eagle - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Probable breeder on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor along coast.


___ American Kestrel - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Rare breeder in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Merlin - Common breeder on south slope. Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range. Possible breeder on coastal plain.
___ Peregrine Falcon - Common breeder on south slope. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Rare breeder along coast. Uncommon summer visitor and/or migrant throughout Refuge.
___ Gyrfalcon - Uncommon resident breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon visitor elsewhere on the Refuge.


___ Spruce Grouse - Uncommon resident and probable breeder on south slope.
___ Willow Ptarmigan - Uncommon resident breeder along coast. Uncommon to abundant resident breeder elsewhere on the Refuge.
___ Rock Ptarmigan - Common resident breeder throughout Refuge, except rare in winter along coast.


___ American Coot - Rare visitor on south slope.


___ Sandhill Crane - Rare breeder on north slope. Probable breeder on south slope. Rare spring migrant on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor along coast and on south slope.


___ Black-bellied Plover - Rare breeder on north slope. Uncommon migrant along coast. Rare migrant on coastal plain.
___ American Golden-Plover - Uncommon breeder on north slope and in Brooks Range. Abundant fall migrant along coast.
___ Semipalmated Plover - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare breeder on north slope. Rare visitor and migrant along coast.
___ Killdeer - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Eurasian Dotterel - Casual visitor on north slope.


___ Lesser Yellowlegs - Abundant breeder on south slope. Casual visitor along coast.
___ Solitary Sandpiper - Abundant breeder on south slope.
___ Wandering Tattler - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain.
___ Spotted Sandpiper - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Rare visitor along coast.
___ Upland Sandpiper - Common breeder in Brooks Range.
___ Whimbrel - Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon visitor and migrant on north slope.
___ Hudsonian Godwit - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Bar-tailed Godwit - Rare migrant along coast.
___ Ruddy Turnstone - Uncommon breeder on north slope. Uncommon to common fall migrant along coast.
___ Surfbird - Rare breeder in Brooks Range.
___ Red Knot - Rare migrant along coast.
___ Sanderling - Casual breeder on coastal plain. Rare spring and uncommon fall migrant along coast.
___ Semipalmated Sandpiper - Abundant breeder on north slope. Common fall migrant along coast.
___ Western Sandpiper - Casual spring and uncommon fall migrant along coast.
___ Least Sandpiper - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare migrant on north slope.
___ White-rumped Sandpiper - Possible breeder along coast. Rare spring migrant and uncommon fall migrant along coast.
___ Baird's Sandpiper - Uncommon breeder on north slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon migrant on north slope.
___ Pectoral Sandpiper - Abundant breeder across north slope. Abundant fall migrant along coast.
___ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper - Casual migrant on north slope.
___ Dunlin - Uncommon to rare breeder along coast. Uncommon fall migrant along coast.
___ Stilt Sandpiper - Uncommon breeder and fall migrant on north slope.
___ Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Uncommon breeder on north slope.
___ Ruff - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Long-billed Dowitcher - Uncommon breeder on north slope. Common fall migrant on north slope.
___ Common Snipe - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare breeder and visitor on north slope.
___ Red-necked Phalarope - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on north slope. Common fall migrant along coast.
___ Red Phalarope - Uncommon breeder on north slope. Uncommon fall migrant along coast.


___ Pomarine Jaeger - Rare to common breeder on north slope. Common spring migrant and uncommon fall migrant on north slope.
___ Parasitic Jaeger - Uncommon breeder on north slope. Rare breeder in Brooks Range.
___ Long-tailed Jaeger - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon spring migrant and breeder but common visitor on north slope.
___ Bonaparte's Gull - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Mew Gull - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Probable breeder on coastal plain. Rare spring migrant and summer visitor on north slope.
___ Herring Gull - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare migrant and visitor on north slope.
___ Thayer's Gull - Rare migrant and visitor on north slope.
___ Slaty-backed Gull - Casual visitor along coast.
___ Glaucous Gull - Common breeder and migrant along coast. Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor in Brooks Range.
___ Black-legged Kittiwake - Rare migrant along coast, mostly offshore.
___ Ross' Gull - Rare fall migrant along coast.
___ Sabine's Gull - Uncommon breeder along coast. Uncommon fall migrant along coast, mostly offshore.
___ Ivory Gull - Rare migrant along coast.
___ Arctic Tern - Uncommon breeder but common visitor on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder and migrant along coast. Rare breeder on coastal plain.


___ Thick-billed Murre - Rare migrant along coast.
___ Black Guillemot - Uncommon migrant and rare breeder along coast.
___ Horned Puffin - Casual visitor along coast.


___ Great Horned Owl - Uncommon resident breeder on south slope.
___ Snowy Owl - Rare visitor to common breeder along coast.
___ Northern Hawk-Owl - Uncommon resident breeder on south slope.
___ Great Gray Owl - Resident and probable breeder on south slope.
___ Short-eared Owl - Rare spring visitor or migrant to common breeder throughout Refuge.
___ Boreal Owl - Probable resident breeder on south slope.


___ Common Nighthawk - Casual visitor on north slope.


___ Rufous Hummingbird - Casual visitor on south slope and in Brooks Range.


___ Belted Kingfisher - Uncommon visitor and possible breeder on south slope.


___ Downy Woodpecker - Uncommon resident breeder on south slope.
___ Hairy Woodpecker - Resident and probablebreeder on south slope.
___ Three-toed Woodpecker - Uncommon breeder on south slope.
___ Northern Flicker - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.


___ Olive-sided Flycatcher - Uncommon breeder on south slope.
___ Alder Flycatcher - Common breeder on south slope.
___ Hammond's Flycatcher - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Eastern Phoebe - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Say's Phoebe - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Eastern Kingbird - Accidental visitor on north slope.


___ Horned Lark - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare breeder and visitor on coastal plain. Uncommon visitor along coast.


___ Tree Swallow - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Violet-green Swallow - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Bank Swallow - Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on south slope. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Cliff Swallow - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Barn Swallow - Rare visitor on north slope.


___ Gray Jay - Uncommon to common resident breeder on south slope. Rare breeder in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Common Raven - Uncommon resident throughout Refuge. Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.


___ Black-capped Chickadee - Probable resident on south slope.
___ Siberian Tit - Rare breeder in Brooks Range.
___ Boreal Chickadee - Uncommon resident breeder on south slope.


___ American Dipper - Uncommon resident throughout Refuge, except along coast.


___ Arctic Warbler - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.
___ Bluethroat - Uncommon migrant and breeder on western coastal plain.
___ Northern Wheatear - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare visitor on north slope.
___ Townsend's Solitaire - Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.
___ Gray-cheeked Thrush - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Swainson's Thrush - Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on south slope.
___ Hermit Thrush - Possible breeder on south slope. Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ American Robin - Abundant breeder on south slope. Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range. Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Varied Thrush - Common breeder on south slope. Rare visitor on north slope.


___ Yellow Wagtail - Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Probable breeder along coast. Rare visitor on south slope.
___ American Pipit - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare breeder and uncommon fall migrant on coastal plain.


___ Bohemian Waxwing - Common visitor and probable breeder on south slope.
___ Cedar Waxwing - Accidental visitor on north slope.


___ Northern Shrike - Uncommon breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare visitor and possible breeder on coastal plain.


___ Orange-crowned Warbler - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Casual migrant on north slope.
___ Magnolia Warbler - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Yellow Warbler - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Rare breeder in Brooks Range. Probable rare breeder on coastal plain. Casual visitor along coast.
___ Yellow-rumped Warbler - Common breeder on south slope. Rare breeder in Brooks Range. Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Palm Warbler - Accidental or casual visitor on south slope.
___ Blackpoll Warbler - Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on south slope. Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Northern Waterthrush - Uncommon visitor and probable breeder on south slope.
___ Kentucky Warbler - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Wilson's Warbler - Uncommon breeder on south slope. Casual fall migrant on north slope.
___ Canada Warbler - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ American Tree Sparrow - Abundant breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Casual visitor along coast.
___ Chipping Sparrow - Casual visitor on north and south slopes.
___ Clay-colored Sparrow - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Savannah Sparrow - Uncommon to common breeder throughout Refuge.
___ Fox Sparrow - Common breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare visitor and possible breeder on coastal plain. Casual visitor along coast.
___ Song Sparrow - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ White-throated Sparrow - Accidental visitor on north slope.
___ Golden-crowned Sparrow - Rare visitor in Brooks Range.
___ White-crowned Sparrow - Abundant breeder on south slope. Common breeder in Brooks Range. Uncommon breeder on coastal plain. Casual visitor along coast.
___ Dark-eyed Junco - Abundant breeder on south slope. Rare migrant on north slope.
___ Lapland Longspur - Abundant breeder in Brooks Range and on north slope. Common migrant on south slope.
___ Smith's Longspur - Common breeder in Brooks Range. Rare visitor on north slope.
___ Snow Bunting - Common to abundant breeder along coast.
___ Red-winged Blackbird - Casual visitor on north slope.
___ Western Meadowlark - Casual visitor in Brooks Range.
___ Rusty Blackbird - Common breeder on south slope. Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range. Casual migrant and visitor on north slope.
___ Brown-headed Cowbird - Accidental visitor on north slope.


___ Rosy Finch - Uncommon breeder in Brooks Range.
___ Pine Grosbeak - Uncommon resident and probable breeder on south slope.
___ White-winged Crossbill - Uncommon to abundant breeder on south slope and in Brooks Range.
___ Common and Hoary Redpolls - Uncommon breeders on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare to abundant breeders on coastal plain. Uncommon breeders along coast. Residents on south slope.
___ Pine Siskin - Uncommon visitor on south slope and in Brooks Range. Rare visitor on north slope.

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Why we archived the ANWR website at

Note: This is the archive of the FWS Arctic National Wildlife Refuge website. In December, 2001 FWS took this website offline, making it unavailable to the public. It includes 90 plus pages of information and many maps. As of 2006 the important information contained in this, the original "unsanitized" version of the FWS website, has yet to return to the internet, so we will continue to maintain it here as a permanent archive to help inform activists and concerned citizens. If you find any broken links, please report them to me at [email protected] and I will attempt to make the repairs. January, 2008 update - A small part of the original information that was present in 2001 has made it back into the current ANWR website. There is also an archive that contains a small amount of the original information, but it is not readily available from the main website.

Click here to visit our homepage. Click here for NRDC's message about ANWR from Robert Redford.

For more information on why this website was "pulled," Check here. And, you can also view the maps of caribou calving areas that the FWS did not want you to see here.

January 29, 2008: Visit Our New ANWR News for Updates

This page should be cited as follows:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2001. Potential impacts of proposed oil and gas
       development on the Arctic Refuge�s coastal plain: Historical overview and
       issues of concern. Web page of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
       Fairbanks, Alaska. 17 January 2001.

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