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Free GpsDrive GPS Program


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Free ArcGIS Shapefiles, Free Maps, Google Earth & Maps, Free GPS, Satellite and Aerial, GIS Tutorials.

GpsDrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system. GpsDrive displays your position provided from your GPS receiver on a zoomable map. The maps are autoselected for best resolution depending of your position and can be downloaded from the Internet. Speech output is supported via the "speech dispatcher" software. All GPS receivers supported by gpsd should be usable. GpsDrive is written in C with use of the GTK+ toolkit under the GPL license, and runs with Linux, Mac OSX, and FreeBSD.

GpsDrive Features

User Interface:

  • The GUI is based on GTK+ 2, and supports unicode and antialiased fonts.
  • Customizable Dashboard: Shows various information like speed, position, altitude...
  • Sliding controls for preferred map scale.
  • Units switchable between statute miles, nautical miles and kilometers.
  • Supported languages: german, english, spanish, italian, dansk, dutch, turkish, hungarian, slovak, swedish, japanese and french.
  • Autodetects screen size for automatic fitting.
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for most used functions.
  • Displays battery and temperature if supported by ACPI


  • GpsDrive uses street maps from the OpenStreetMap project and satellite images from NASA Landsat, which are downloadable from the internet directly or with the included script.
  • Also a local postgis database can be used to render maps on the fly from OpenstreetMap data with Mapnik.
  • Furthermore you can import almost any kind of other maps or pictures with the included import assistant.
  • Displayed maps are autoloaded depending on current position, speed, and zoom level.

Friends server:

  • People connected to the same friendsd server can see each others' position on the map.
  • Messages: You can send instant messages to other people on the same server.

Waypoints/Points of Interest:

  • Points of Interest can be stored in a local SQLite database
  • The POIs are drawn on the map with a icon depending on the type and a display filter.
  • New POIs can be added with a mosueclick or a keyboard shortcut
  • Bulk import and backup of POI data: The included script lets you easily add waypoint data from a given GPX file.
    Currently supported are GPX files from,, and
  • Additonal waypoints can be added using a plain text file (without using the database).

Routes and Tracks:

  • Routes can be created using existing waypoints or by adding free routepoints via keyboard shortcut.
  • The distance, direction and time to go for the destination is shown in the dashboard.
  • Your track can be recorded and shown on the map.
  • The current route or track can be exported to a GPX file
  • Loading of a previously stored track or route is also possible.

Sound Abilities:

  • GpsDrive uses Speech Dispatcher speech output.
  • Speech output is available in english, spanish and german.
  • Speakable information: direction, speed, GPS status, distance to destination, battery level.


  • Direct support for wardriving with Kismet (a WLAN detection tool).
    Shows Wireless LAN (WLAN) access points on the map in realtime, including voice information about a new ones.
  • Utilizes gpsd for connecting to your GPS device.
  • wpget: Script to read waypoints from GARMIN GPS.
  • Simulator mode for testing without a GPS device: Select a waypoint and the position marker moves towards it.
  • The program gpsreplay replays your stored tracks
  • gpssmswatch sends your position back to the phone number which sends an SMS with the content "PLSSENDPOS" (needs a working "gnokii" installation).
  • Runs also on Compaq iPAQ.
  • License: GPL.
  • Status: stable.

Visit the GpsDrive Website.


<-- Free GIS Software & Resources

See Also:
Free ArcGIS Shapefiles, Free Maps, Google Earth & Maps, Free GPS, Satellite and Aerial, GIS Tutorials.

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Michael R. Meuser
Data Research & GIS Specialist is an independent firm specializing in GIS project development and data research. We created the first U.S. based interactive toxic chemical facility maps on the internet in 1996 and we have been online ever since. Learn more about us and our services.

Have a project in mind? If you have data, GIS project or custom shapefile needs contact Mike.

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