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The number of good paying solar jobs is growing. I created the following map using data extracted from the National Solar Jobs Census 2011. It shows the top 20 states with the greatest number of solar jobs as of August 2011. Solar is a growth industry - Tell Bill Gates that solar is more than just "cute."
Lately there's been a lot of talk from conservatives about the poorest of us paying taxes. Taxing the poor is not the answer. The answer is providing more and better paying jobs so that folks earn enough to pay taxes. Creating green jobs is one way to provide good paying jobs, rebuilding America's infrastructure is another. In a subseqent post I'll address the latter.
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Here's the data used to create the map.
State, Number Solar Jobs as of August, 2011
California, 25575
Colorado, 6186
Arizona, 4786
Pennsylvania, 4703
New York, 4279
Florida, 4224
Texas, 3346
Oregon, 3346
New Jersey, 2871
Massachusetts, 2395
North Carolina, 2392
Washington, 2301
New Mexico, 2099
Nevada, 2025
Utah, 1876
Maryland, 1782
Georgia, 1733
Wisconsin, 1677
Virginia, 1528
Illinois, 1491
Over the last year, green jobs have become a political punching bag. But in many states throughout the country the industry is gaining traction. In Massachusetts, more than 64,000 engineers, construction workers and entrepreneurs have found jobs in the sector. The Center for American Progress came here to learn how they're doing it, and to tell the real story about the clean energy economy.
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Michael R. Meuser
Data Research & GIS Specialist is an independent firm
specializing in GIS project development and data research.
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Have a project in mind? If you have data, GIS project or custom shapefile needs contact Mike.