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GIS and WebMap Books, Links and Ideas

Note: Since this page was created, many new resources have been added to I encourage you to check out the main menu at the top of each page and the many links in each column for helpful GIS software, tools, maps and resources.

Multiple Point Source Toxic Web Map Prototype
Environmental Risk Atlas on the Web
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Categories include Web Map Related, Environmental Mapping, General GIS and Cartography, GIS Topical, GIS Platform Specific, and Spatial Statistics.

Web Map Related:

Serving Maps on the Internet; Geographic Information on the World Wide Web by Christian Harder Paperback (July 1998)
Gis Online : Information Retrieval, Mapping, and the Internet by Brandon Plewe, Paperback - 400 pages 1 Ed edition (August 1997)

Environmental Mapping:

Cartographies of Danger : Mapping Hazards in America by Mark S. Monmonier Paperback - 364 pages (September 1998)
Geographic Information Systems in Ecology (Methods in Ecology) by Carol A. Johnston Paperback - 240 pages (January 1998)
Managing Natural Resources with GIS by Laura Lang Paperback (July 1998)
Remote Sensing for Landscape Ecology : New Metric Indicators for Monitoring, Modeling and Assessment of Ecosystems by Robert C. Frohn Hardcover - 224 pages (January 1998)
Where We Live : A Citizen's Guide to Conducting a Community Environmental Inventory by Donald F. Harker, Elizabeth Ungar Natter (Contributor) Paperback - 336 pages (January 1995)
Boundaries of Home : Mapping for Local Empowerment (The New Catalyst Bioregional) by Doug Aberley (Editor)

General GIS and Cartography:

GIS for Everyone by David E. Davis Paperback Book and CD Rom edition (July 1999)
Getting Started With Geographic Information Systems (2nd Ed) (Prentice Hall Series in Geographic Information Science) by Keith C. Clarke Hardcover - 368 pages 2nd edition (December 1998)
Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative by Edward R. Tufte, Dmitry Krasny (Illustrator), Hardcover - 156 pages (March 1997)
Envisioning Information by Edward R. Tufte Hardcover (May 1990)
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward R. Tufte Hardcover Reprint edition (February 1992)
Visual Revelations : Graphical Tales of Fate and Deception from Napoleon Bonaparte to Ross Perot by Howard Wainer Hardcover - 180 pages (June 1997)
Cartographies of Danger : Mapping Hazards in America by Mark S. Monmonier Hardcover - 384 pages (April 1997)
How to Lie With Maps by Mark Monmonier, H. J. De Blij Hardcover 2nd edition (April 1996)
How to Lie With Maps by Mark Monmonier, H. J. De Blij Paperback 2nd edition (April 1996)
Mapping It Out : Expository Cartography for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) by Mark Monmonier Hardcover - 301 pages (July 1993)
How Maps Work : Representation, Visualization, and Design by Alan M. MacEachren Hardcover - 513 pages (June 1995)
Cartography : Visualization of Spatial Data by Menno-Jan Kraak, Ferjan Ormeling (Contributor) Paperback - 256 pages (October 1996)
Geographic Information Systems : An Introduction by Tor Bernhardsen Hardcover 2 Ed edition (January 1999)

GIS Topical:

Transportation GIS by Laura Lang Paperback - 118 pages Book and CD Rom edition (June 1999)
Geographic Information Systems : Gis in Real Estate : Integrating, Analyzing, and Presenting Locational Information by Gilbert H. Castle Hardcover (November 1998)
Mapping It Out : Expository Cartography for the Humanities and Social Sciences (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing) by Mark Monmonier Paperback - 301 pages (July 1993)
Geographic Information Systems : A Handbook for the Social Sciences by L. Hochberg, C. Earle, D. Miller Paperback (January 1999)
Geographic Information Systems and the Law : Mapping the Legal Frontiers by George Cho Hardcover (July 1998)

GIS Platform Specific:

Focus on GIS Component Software : Featuring ESRI's Mapobjects by Robert Hartman Paperback - 400 pages Bk&Cd Rom edition (September 1997)
Getting to Know Arcview Gis : The Geographic Information System (Gis) for Everyone Paperback 2nd Bk&cdr edition (April 1998)

Spatial Statistics:

Advanced Spatial Statistics : Special Topics in the Exploration of Quantitative Spatial Data Series (Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econ) by Daniel A. Griffith Hardcover (April 1988)
Geostatistics for Environmental and Geotechnical Applications (Astm Special Technical Publication, 1283) by Rouhani (Editor), Srivastava (Editor), Shahrokh Rouhani (Editor) Paperback (September 1997)
Gslib : Geostatistical Software Library and User's Guide by Clayton V. Deutsch, Andre G. Journel Hardcover 2nd Bk&Dk edition (September 1997)
Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation (Applied Geostatistics Series) by Pierre Goovaerts Hardcover (December 1997)
An Introduction to Ecological Modelling : Putting Practice into Theory (Methods in Ecology Series) by Michael Gillman, Rosemary Hails Paperback - 216 pages (April 1997)
Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation (Applied Geostatistics Series) by Pierre Goovaerts Hardcover (December 1997)
Introduction to Geostatistics : Applications to Hydrogeology by Daniel A. Griffith Paperback - 350 pages (May 1997)
Collecting Spatial Data : Optimum Design of Experiments for Random Fields (Contributions to Statistics) by W.G. Muller (Editor) Paperback (November 1998)
Interpolation of Spatial Data : Some Theory for Kriging (Springer Series in Statistics) by Michael Leonard Stein Hardcover (March 1999)
Recent Developments in Spatial Analysis : Spatial Statistics, Behavioural Modelling, and Computational Intelligence (Advances in Spatial Science) by Manfred M. Fischer (Editor), Arthur Getis (Editor) Hardcover (September 1997)
Spatial Data Analysis in the Social and Environmental Sciences by Robert P. Haining Paperback Reprint edition (September 1993)
Mapping Social Networks, Spatial Data, and Hidden Populations (Ethnographer's Toolkit , Vol 4) by Jean J. Schensul, Margaret Diane Lecompte, Robert T. II Trotter Paperback (October 1998)

Useful Tools and Links:

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Web Mapping and Related Products
GreenMaps & Map Ideas
Below is a sampling of the sorts of interactive WWW mapping projects, alone or in combinations, that could be accomplished. The list is not complete, so please feel free to suggest others and if any of these give you ideas for a mapping project that we might help you with, please
contact us.

One way to integrate many of these ideas is to create a community GreenMap®. Check for more information about the GreenMap® system and contact us for information about how we can assist you. Check our projects page for examples of the sorts of internet-based mapping systems we have developed. For more information about what we can do visit our consulting, products, and research pages. We also have free gis maps and programs available for you use.


  • Environmentally and Socially Responsible Businesses
  • Businesses That Pay a Liveable Wage
  • Businesses that Produce / Distribute Quality Goods for Local Consumption
  • Worker Owned / Worker Controlled Businesses
  • Production of Useful, Durable, and Repairable Goods
  • Businesses that offer Useful and Needed Services
  • Businesses who actively control/reduce waste in production and packaging
  • Affordable Medical and Dental Care
  • Consumption / Production Patterns
  • Local Resource and Waste Flows
  • Local Employment Trading System (LETS) Members
  • Socially, Culturally, and Ecologically Responsible Tourism
  • Indicators of Sustainability
  • Community Controlled Infrastructure
  • Community Commons: Gardens, Workshops, Resources
  • Demographics and Environmental Inequality
  • Local Artists and Craftspeople
  • Alternative Transportation
  • Cultural Events
  • Cropland Loss
  • Environmental and Social Justice
  • Affordable, Decent, Safe, and Sustainable Housing
  • Community-Based Food Supplies
  • Toxic Releases and Transfers
  • Pollution / Waste Production - Where it comes from
  • Pollution / Waste Fate - Whose backyard does it end up in
  • Effects of Pollution on Human Health / Quality of Life
  • Effects of Pollution on Ecosystem / Habitat / Wildlife / Parks / Wilderness / Natural Resources / Food Systems
  • Greenhouse Gas Production
  • Superfund Sites
  • Pollution Sources & Proximity to Schools and Playgrounds
  • Ozone Depleting Chemicals
  • Pesticide Use and Effects on the Environment and Human Health
  • Effects of Combinations of Chemicals on Human Health and the Environment
  • Watershed Inventory/Planning
  • Biodiversity
  • Habitat Fragmentation
  • Land Use
  • Changes Due to Global Warming
  • Local Environmental History
  • Tracking Virus Pathways
  • Habitat Restoration
  • Natural Resources Inventories
  • Air, Land and Water Quality

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Michael R. Meuser
Data Research & GIS Specialist is an independent firm specializing in GIS project development and data research. We created the first U.S. based interactive toxic chemical facility maps on the internet in 1996 and we have been online ever since. Learn more about us and our services.

Have a project in mind? If you have data, GIS project or custom shapefile needs contact Mike.

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