Hotter Earth is confirmed by computer
Source: Telegraph
Hotter Earth is confirmed by computer
By Roger Highfield, Science Editor
December 15, 2000
Unseasonal heat wave upsets Europe's balance of nature
THE most sophisticated computer simulation of the world's climate is
published today, and concludes that recent global warming is man-made and
will continue.
For the first time, scientists have combined the most important human and
natural factors in one model to create what they claim is the most
comprehensive simulation of 20th-century climate.
The global average temperature will increase steadily so that by 2100 it will
be at least 2.5C higher than today, according to the simulation conducted by
the Met Office and the UK Universities Global Atmospheric Modelling
Programme. The result, reported by Dr Peter Stott's team today in the journal
Science, accurately mirrors the changes in global temperatures over the last
100 years.
Importantly, there is strong evidence that man-made greenhouse gas
emissions are responsible for global warming over the past few decades. On
the other hand the Sun and volcanoes played a significant part in controlling
temperatures during the first half of the 20th century.
Until now, climate simulations had difficulty explaining the rapid increase in
global temperatures between 1910 and 1940.
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