Newsletters, Updates & Discussion
We have been online for over 5 years. During this period we have developed interests in many related fields. We communicate and share these interests by providing news, updates, and discussion lists. These include:
Join Our Discussion Lists: (Note: before signing up for any of our lists, please read this important notice to subscribers.)
- Learn2Map -
Learn2Map provides you with updates to the MapCruzin Map-Tutorial and website news, tips, resources and map layers that become available to registered users of the MapCruzin Map-Tutorial and Atlas (The Tutorial is Free!). It is also a discussion forum where you can ask questions, get answers and share information about mapping and GIS. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Learn2Map website.
- Right-to-Know Watch -
RTK-Watch is dedicated to the public disclosure, communication, access, and use of environmental data and information. Topics for discussion may include toxics and pollution, nuclear energy, radiation, and radioactive waste, and related issues. Subscribers are free to post various alerts and news related to the above. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription.
- TerrorSpeak - News and views on homeland security, terrorism, democracy and freedom in the United States. TerrorSpeak is an open and unmoderated discussion
group. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the TerrorSpeak website.
- Worst Case Scenarios - 9/11 was a wakeup call. Clearly, much will be discussed and work will be done to increase our security, but this takes time. We can prepare and reduce our vulnerability now through increasing our knowledge of the various potential targets around the U.S. It is also a wakeup call to other potential catastrophes across the county. It's more than terrorism. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. You will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Geography of Risk website.
- Surviving Climate Change - Subscribers to the list will receive timely information and updates about how we might best adapt to climate change. Topics addressed include: ecological, financial and social security; water quantity and quality; flooding; food supplies; energy; extreme weather; regional differences; resources for locating and purchasing free and cheap land; health and other topics related to climate change. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. You will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Surviving Climate Change website.
- Climate Watch -
Climate-Watch facilitates discussion over a wide range of topics directly related to global warming and climate change. It is a list meant both for laypersons and professionals. This mix has proven to be of benefit to both types of subscribers. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Surviving Climate Change website.
- Wireless Radiofrequency / EMF Risks -
Wireless-Risks was created to foster active and lively discussion on the Discussion of the risks associated with wireless radiofrequency and EMF radiation. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Wireless Radiofrequency and EMF Risks website.
- Biotechnology / Genetic Engineering -
BTE-L was created to foster active and lively discussion on the topic of biotechnology and genetic engineering, and their effects on human and non-human life. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the BiotechEffect website.
- Global Watch -
Global-Watch encourages the sharing of news, resources and active discussion on the WTO, NAFTA and other trade schemes. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Global Watch website.
- NanoTechEffect - NanoEffect facilitates discussion of nanotechnology and its effect on society and nature. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the NanoEffect website.
- Solargystics -
Solargystics is devoted to the exploration of renewable energy. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Solargystics website.
- WebMaps -
An open discussion about webmaps and mapservers and how we can create fast and inexpensive webmap projects for real people. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. Once approved, you will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription.
Website Updates:
- CMRN Updates -
This list provides occasional updates telling
you about new resources and news that have been
added to Clary Meuser Research Network's website. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. You will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription.
- Terraknowledge -
Is devoted to the democratization of knowledge through e-publishing. Subscribe by sending a blank email to [email protected]. You will receive a confirming email. Just reply to this email to finalize your subscription. Visit the Terraknowledge website.
Important Note to Subscribers
These lists are not moderated and we welcome lively discussion on these important environmental topics. There are certain ground rules that must be observed. The following are not allowed: personal attacks, overly aggressive behavior, repetition of the same argument many times, spamming, racist, sexist, or any other disparaging remarks. Subscribers doing any of the above will be warned first and then, if the behavior continues, will be removed and permanently blocked from subscribing to any of the above lists in the future. Many of the list memberships require my approval. This is my way of trying to hold spamming of the list to a minimum. SPAMMERS -- No need to apply. Thanks for your kind consideration.
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Michael R. Meuser
Data Research & GIS Specialist is an independent firm
specializing in GIS project development and data research.
We created the first U.S. based
interactive toxic chemical facility
maps on the internet in 1996 and we
have been online ever since. Learn more about us and our services.
Have a project in mind? If you have data, GIS project or custom shapefile needs contact Mike.
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