Trust Us, We're Experts: How Industry Manipulates Science and Gambles With Your Future by Sheldon Rampton, John Stauber.
Editorial Reviews
Brill's Content, December 2000/January 2001
...meticulously researched book by Rampton and Stauber...prove that they are the real experts.
Barbara Ehrenriech
Trust Us, We're Experts! is a brilliant piece of investigative journalism and a powerful vaccine...spread it around!
Jeremy Rifkin
...a long-overdue expose...Stauber and Rampton take us behind the scenes...inside corporate boardrooms...where marketing chiefs literally manufacture their own 'independent experts'....
Jim Hightower
This book is modern muckraking of the best variety, skewering hype and showing us how to separate real experts from snake oil salesmen....
Bill Moyers
Read, get mad, roll up your sleeves, and fight back. Rampton and Stauber have issued a wake-up call we can't ignore.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., President, Water Keeper Alliance
Stauber and Rampton have once again exposed the ugly underbelly of corporate America's psychological war on our citizens.
Bill Moyers
If you want to know how the world wags, and who's wagging it, here's your answer. Read...and fight back.
Bill McKibben
This is a great book, and I think you should buy it.
Barbara Ehrenriech
...a brilliant piece of investigative journalism and a powerful vaccine against the stupefying effects of the corporate PR machine....
Jeremy Rifkin
Finally a long-overdue expose of the shenanigans and subterfuge that lie behind the making of experts in America...An eye-opener.
Book Description
The authors of Toxic Sludge Is Good for You! unmask the sneaky and widespread methods industry uses to influence opinion through bogus experts, doctored data, and manufactured facts.
Over the past decade, corporations and public-relations firms have seized upon a remarkable new way of influencing opinion called the "third-party technique." The method is simple-just put your words into the mouth of someone who appears impartial, such as a doctor, professor, watchdog group, or an "expert" of some kind. Written with biting humor and penetrating insight, Trust Us, We're Experts! exposes the current and very effective methods of opinion manipulation practiced by the corporate powers that be.
About the Author
John Stauber is the founder and director of the Center for Media & Democracy. He and Sheldon Rampton write and edit the quarterly PR Watch: Public Interest Reporting on the PR/Public Affairs Industry.